Things To Know About Second Coming Of Christ
Issues about the second coming of Christ continue to linger in many Christians mind. When Jesus was ascending to heaven, he told his disciples that he would come again with power and glory. The Bible itself has significantly talked about the second coming of the messiah. You need to keep reading the Bible for you to know about the parousia. This will enlighten you and also aid you to be watchful always. No one knows when Christ will come, not even the bible have stipulated this. However, some signs must first occur for the second coming of Christ to arrive. It’s impressive to be wary of these signs for you to prepare yourself through living in righteousness and still waiting for the son of God. To learn about these signs of the second coming of Christ, you can browse various Christian websites that are fed with precise details about the same. You will know them and also get an answer to all the hard questions you have. Locally, many religious leaders teach people about the second coming of Christ. Visit different churches and spiritual centers for you to be enlightened on the same. You can also chat with knowledgeable people and inspired pastors for more information.
The following are details you need to know about the second coming of Christ. First, before Christ returns, there will be wars all over. The turmoil, violence and lawlessness will engulf the whole world. This has started to be witnessed in many areas, and this is a clear indication the second coming of Christ is near. In the bible, this is well stipulated that unless such signs have occurred and passed, then Christ coming won’t be near.
Additionally, drought and famine will be witnessed in many areas. People with hunger and thirst for food and water. Also, they will be even hunger and thirst for the word of God. This is evident nowadays. Again, there will be earthquakes and other natural issues in many areas. We have seen and heard of this often. Before the second coming of Christ, many places will exhibit significant earthquakes that will eliminate lives. More destruction will come as a result of such natural phenomenon.
Moreover, disease and major epidemics will come before the second coming of Christ. This is well extended in the bible, and a significant scripture reveals this. There will be an outbreak of diseases whose cure won’t be found easily. Such diseases will continue to be a scourge to people and even eliminate them. The other signs of coming of Christ is on the rising of aggressive powers that won’t tolerate humane ways of dealing with issues. They will aim to kill and eliminate humanity, for they will be lovers of money and power. Apart from all those listed signs of the second coming of Christ, Jesus warned everybody to be watchful for there will be Antichrist all over. People will be pretending t be messiah the holy one of God so they can mislead people.