Finding Ways To Keep Up With

Slouching: The Side Effects of It

Most of us these days in work or even at school, we sometimes find ourselves slouching. With all that, I think all of us were told we are young to sit up straight when walking and especially when sitting. There are some of us today didn’t offered with a valuable reason why we should, read more about this here.

Some say it is an arbitrary rule of etiquette that still lives today. Actually the reason we ought to believing up until now is just a shallow part of the real reason. It turns out that slouching or slumping bad not just socially but also for our overall health, below we will be discussing the drawbacks or disadvantages of slouching.

Spinal Cord Matters

The most common reason why people slouch is that they find it more comfortable than sitting up out our backs. But sadly, that comfortable feeling we enjoyed when we slouch has its own disadvantage to our health.

Remember that when we began to slouch our head tends to droop forward, have you ever took notice of that? The correct position should be is that the weight of our head must fall on our back or spine and on our shoulder. Slouching places the weight of our head where it shouldn’t be, read more here.

With the constant slouching it will cause serious problem in the future on your upper spine and will cause compression on your internal organs which leads to neck and back pain. Other than that it also causes constipation, poor circulation, exhaustion, and etc. that causes neck and back pain.

If you are experiencing some of these symptoms best if you pay a visit a chiropractor near you, you can read more here.

Social Problems

Slouching does more damage than you thought it would, other than it causes serious neck and back pains. With that said slouching can compromise your reputation badly, read more about this here. Did you know that body language can be traced on the animal kingdom, and we are not exempted. If you have notice this, when a dog want to play with another dog it first lean down its front legs before playing with the other dog. You may be wondering why your cat would push down their paws on you or on your couch, read more here.

Both of these are a good example of body language. Then how much more a person would express a certain point with a body language.

When we slouch our head and limbs would fall inward onto our chest. Slouching gives people an impression of loss of interest, stressed, unhappy, and others.